Summer Equestrian Education Camp in Southern Vermont for Girls who love horses. Family style yet traditional camp with a focus on riding and horse care. Also has swimming , camping, crafts, elective sports and more. Founded in 1952. ACA accredited.
Girls Only Residential & Day Camp ages located in: Wells, VT capacity 60 cost $1001-2000 Res 201-350 /wk Day/week
Liz Ambuhl: 802-645-0216
Residential Summer Camp in East Texas offering 2 and 4 week sessions for Girls, Coed, and Boys. Third generation owners/operators offering Childrens Summer Activities and Unique Camping Activities such as English Horseback Riding, Trampoline, Fencing, and Boxing.
Girls only Residential Camp ages located in: Marshall, TX capacity 150 campers cost $651-1000/week